306.3 Knee Clearance.
306.3.1 General.
Space under an element between 230 mm (9″) and 685 mm (27″) above the finish floor or ground shall be considered knee clearance and shall comply with 306.3.
306.3.2 Maximum Depth.
Knee clearance shall extend 635 mm (25″) maximum under an element at 230 mm (9″) above the finish floor or ground.
306.3.3 Minimum Required Depth.
Where knee clearance is required under an element as part of a clear floor space, the knee clearance shall be 280 mm (11″) deep minimum at 230 mm (9″) above the finish floor or ground, and 205 mm (8″) deep minimum at 685 mm (27″) above the finish floor or ground.
306.3.4 Clearance Reduction.
Between 230 mm (9″) and 685 mm (27″) above the finish floor or ground, the knee clearance shall be permitted to reduce at a rate of 25 mm (1″) in depth for each 150 mm (6″) in height.
306.3.5 Width.
Knee clearance shall be 760 mm (30″) wide minimum.