603.2 – Clearances

Residential projects will go in this category. It has a longer description than some of the other items, which will help see how multi-line displays will look in this space on the page.
F236.1 General – At least one of each type of exercise machine and equipment shall comply with 1004. OBO Clarification: Common use gymnasiums for staff use must be accessible as well as any ancillary facility such as shower and changing rooms.
F233 Representational Housing – OBO Clarification: This category includes dwelling units that are used on a frequent basis for representational entertainment. It includes the Chief of Mission Residence (CMR), the Deputy Chief of Mission Residence (DCMR), and the Consulate General Residence (CGR). In certain posts, there may be other dwelling units that are included in
F229.1 General – Where glazed openings are provided in accessible rooms or spaces for operation by occupants, excluding employees, at least one opening shall comply with 309. In accessible rooms or spaces, each glazed opening required by an administrative authority to be operable shall comply with 309. EXCEPTION: 1. Glazed openings in residential dwelling units