Project Type: Recreational

Recreational projects go under this.

F207 – Accessible Means of Egress

F207.1 General – Means of egress shall comply with section 1003.2.13 of the International Building Code (2000 edition and 2001 Supplement) or section 1007 of the International Building Code (2003 edition) (incorporated by reference, see “Referenced Standards” in Chapter 1). OBO Clarification: An accessible means of egress from a floor on the accessible level must

F205 – Operable Parts

F205.1 General – Operable parts on accessible elements, accessible routes, and in accessible rooms and spaces shall comply with 309. OBO Clarification: Devices required to comply shall be mounted with their top edge no higher than 1220 mm above finish floor. Intercom units, security devices such as key pads, wall phones, switches, etc., are all

F204 – Protruding Objects

F204.1 General – Protruding objects on circulation paths shall comply with 307. EXCEPTIONS: 1. Within areas of sport activity, protruding objects on circulation paths shall not be required to comply with 307. 2. Within play areas, protruding objects on circulation paths shall not be required to comply with 307 provided that ground level accessible routes